Package co.decodable.sdk.pipeline.testing

package co.decodable.sdk.pipeline.testing
Infrastructure and utilities for (integration) testing custom Decodable pipelines.

Using a PipelineTestContext, you can produce elements for one or more Decodable streams, run your custom pipeline, and assert the output elements of this pipeline on another Decodable stream. It is recommended to use Testcontainers for starting a Kafka or Redpanda broker to be used for testing, as shown below:

public class DataStreamJobTest {

  private static final String PURCHASE_ORDERS = "purchase-orders";
  private static final String PURCHASE_ORDERS_PROCESSED = "purchase-orders-processed";

  public RedpandaContainer broker =
      new RedpandaContainer("");

  public void shouldUpperCaseCustomerName() throws Exception {
    TestEnvironment testEnvironment =

    try (PipelineTestContext ctx = new PipelineTestContext(testEnvironment)) {
      String value =
              + "  \"order_id\" : 19001,\n"
              + "  \"order_date\" : \"2023-06-09 10:18:38\",\n"
              + "  \"customer_name\" : \"Yolanda Hagenes\",\n"
              + "  \"price\" : 15.00,\n"
              + "  \"product_id\" : 108,\n"
              + "  \"order_status\" : false\n"
              + "}";

      // given StreamRecord<>(value));

      // when (as an example, PurchaseOrderProcessingJob upper-cases the customer name)

      StreamRecord<String> result =
, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      ObjectNode purchaseOrder = (ObjectNode) new ObjectMapper().readTree(result.value());

      // then
      assertThat(purchaseOrder.get("customer_name").asText()).isEqualTo("YOLANDA HAGENES");